OPEN Faith - A National Conference by the OPEN Network
May 24-26, 2016 in Indianapolis

OPEN Faith is a National Conference bringing together those from various streams of faith including (but not limited to) Non-denominational, Progressive-Evangelical, Post-Evangelical, Evangelical, Charismatic, Free-church (and, frankly, most any other 'stream') seeking to live and believe in just, generous Christian ways. 

Hosted at Christian Theological Seminary, this conference will utilize a variety of platforms (discussions, presentations, interactive game play, video presentations) to bring OPEN Faith to life. 

OPEN seeks to make visible what is often invisible - the progressive Evangelical expression of faith in the United States; to resource the groundswell of churches, leaders, organizations and people who are expressing a just and generous expression of Christian faith; to create pathways of connection and belonging among existing and emerging churches, individuals, organizations and networks of those who represent Progressive Evangelicals, Post-Evangelicals, Non-denominational and Free-church traditions and all who wish to live in progressive Christian ways.

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OPEN is a part of the Convergence Network which brings together innovative leaders from all streams of faith to collaborate in the development of new ways of being Christian; new ways of doing theology and living biblically; new understandings and practices of mission; new kinds of faith communities; new approaches to worship and spiritual formation; new integrations and convergences and conversations and dreams.

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